The Similarities of LOTR and The Hobbit Movies

The successful English author J.R.R. Tolkien's two big works: The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit. These books were become movies in 2001 to 2014. There are several similarities between The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit movie series. I am going to give some information about their similarities. First of all, both The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit's environments are almost same. For example, The Lord of The Rings starts in The Shire (the place hobbits live). Likewise, The Hobbit starts in The Shire. In addition, there are other scenes in The Middle Earth during these movies (e.g. Rivendell). Secondly, the movies' stories are similar in several ways. For example, there are hobbits, elves, drawfs, wizards etc. All of them fight for a life away from evil. In addition, both the main hobbits in The Lord of The Rings and the hobbit in The Hobbit are always brave, and the important points of the wars. Lastly, the movies make you a person who lives in The Middle Earth. Both of them have realistic scenes, and you feel that you are fighting against orcs and goblins. At the end of the movies, you can accept that you are a part of the wars for The Middle Earth's victory. To sum up, both The Lords of The Rings and The Hobbit have great stories, and they are the movies which a person might love both of them.
